Pass Ups Update
With so many people getting themselves a four legged companion during COVID times, we have tons of new members this year. New members means lots of pass ups. We also have a new class - 'Tweens' - which is for those between Introduction and Beginners.
Introduction to Tweens:
George Cripps & Ted
Dale Donohue & Oscar
Lisa Churchill & Archie
Jenny Taylor & Louluu
Introduction to Beginners:
Luud van Spaendonck & Jesse
Chris Haig & Molly
Karen Haig & Molly
Tweens to Beginners:
Tony Moon & Astro
Shane Bolding & Jasper
Kim Pike & Cuba
Jillian Mitchell & Bella
Pink to Yellow:
Michael Gordon & Sox
Jessica O'Mahony & Clover
Yellow to White:
Julie Mineely & Monty
Molly Patten & Sonny
White to Green:
Amanda Price & Karma
Yvonne Pereira & Oscar